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Even well prepared organizations that have taken the necessary financial, physical, and cultural steps to help prevent fraud are still vulnerable to some degree or another. Let us investigate what has happened and apply lessons learned to prevent it from happening again!
Unethical behavior? Poor performance?
When there is a question that goes beyond the capabilities of the human resources management or a third-party investigation would just have better optics, ETS can help. Investigators can perform interviews, record statements, forensically image cells phones and computers, and gather evidence to reinforce your position so you can feel confident you have treated the employee fairly and considered all the facts in making your decision.
Using a third-party investigator avoids claims of bias and collusion!
Prompt, professional attention to a claim of discrimination can be the key to defending your position in such a case. James Castelluccio, a former IBM vice-president was awarded 4.1 million dollars in 2014 because he was discriminated against based on his age. The judge wrote that he suspected “the purpose of the investigation was more to exonerate IBM than to determine if Mr. Castelluccio was treated fairly.” The ruling is an example of how a poorly conducted internal investigation can cost a company financially, damage its reputation, and destroy the reputations of the HR professionals involved in overseeing such an investigation.
Let's dig deep! Due Diligence. C-Suite. IT Staff. Upper Management. These positions all require a deeper look than most people in the organization as they have much more access and the ability to impact the organization significantly with access to intellectual property, funds, and technology. Remember, a new employee is "buyer beware"!
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